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 Ancient Gold Jewellery In China
 Mesopotamia, in the fourth and fifth millennium B.C. In its first uses in China, in the Xia and Shang dynasties, a period of almost 1000 years from 2079 to 1122 B.C., gold was hammered in leaf and used primarily as decorative inlay in ritual bronze vases which were among the main symbols of status and power. Before the Chinese Bronze Age, jade objects held a fundamental status in Chinese society and, despite its popularity, gold remained in the background compared to jade as a symbol of status or luxury. The exhibition set-up, based on the artisan technique, encourages the spectator to look at the
  Orecchini con motivo a forma di doppia zucca, in oro e gemme, dinastia Ming, 1368–1644.
Earrings with double pumpkin motif, in gold and gems, Ming dynasty.1368–1644.
In alto, al centro: set di placche per cintura, raffiguranti uno studioso che suona la cetra, in argento dorato, dinastia Tang (618–907) o Liao (907–1125), X-XI secolo; sopra: orecchini a forma di lanterna, in oro, dinastia Ming, 1368–1644.
Top, centre: set of plaques for belt, depicting a scholar playing the zither, in gilded silver, Tang (618-907) or Liao (907-1125) dynasty, 10-11th century; above: lantern earrings, in gold, Ming dynasty, 1368-1644.

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