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        Gem of the sun
For its peculiar qualities of brightness, peridot has always been associated with the light and called by the ancient Egyptians “gem of the sun”. Its origins are documented from as early as 1500 B.C., when they were extracted in enormous quantities from deposits of the volcanic island of Zabargad in the Red Sea, approximately 35 miles off the Egyptian coastal port of Berenica. The deposit was exploited for 3500 years before being abandoned for many centuries; it was rediscovered around 1900. Formerly the name of the small island, mentioned by Pliny the Elder (23-79 A.D.) in “Natural History”, was Topazon (from the Greek “search”), from which comes the primitive name “topaz” attributed to peridot, whose name actually derives from the Arab “faridat” which means “gem”. As regards its formation, the history of peridot is unlike that of almost all other gems, the
In alto: collana in peridoti ovali e rotondi, completata da una frangia di peridoti ovali in cornici di oro giallo 18 Kt e diamanti; all’interno: anello “Foglie” taglio gradino, con diamanti taglio circolare sui lati, foglie in corda d’oro, anno 1972, custodia firmata Verdura. A fianco: spilla floreale a forma di cardo, in peridoti e rubini, oro giallo 18 Kt. Firmata Tiffany & Co.Schlumberger.
Top: necklace in oval and round peridots, completed by a fringe of oval peridots in frames of 18 Kt yellow gold and diamonds; inside: “Leaf” step cut ring, with circular cut diamonds at the sides, leaves in gold rope, 1972, pouch signed Verdura. At the side: thistle shaped brooch, in peridots and rubies, 18 Kt yellow gold, Signed Tiffany & Co. Schlumberger.

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